MusicMarauders Presents: Easy Star All Stars "Dub Side of The Moon" 10th Anniversary Party 2.14.13

Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom
Denver, CO

Words & Photos By J-man

It was early 2000's and I recall sitting with some of my best friends in a party house in Ann Arbor, MI. As we smoked hookah and all sorts of various herbal selections, the room filled with smoke. The sun hit the smoke just right making it dance as we listened to a plethora of old records. As one record came to an end, another replaced it, until we arrived at this "new" record that our buddy had picked up. It was Easy Star All Stars' Dub Side of The Moon. I was blown away by the band's approach to the music of Pink Floyd and the album quickly became an essential in my collection. Fast forward a decade to current day and MusicMarauders was presenting Easy Star's Dub Side of the Moon 10th Anniversary Party at Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom in Denver, CO.

Upon our arrival, Colorado band, The Sesh, played to a near empty room. The band was made up of Cristian Basso on bass, Jeff Jani from Frogs Gone Fishin' on drums and Trevor Jones of Frogs Gone Fishin' on guitar. The trio sounded great with each member displaying an elevated skill set and ability to flat out rock. The music was strong, the solos were sound and I was thoroughly entertained. It was just unfortunate that more folks weren't present to experience the set. After poking our heads into the main room, we decided it was best to remain on the Other Side as Andreux and The See of Sounds prepared to take the stage. See of Sounds is lead by Andrew Portwood, also of Frogs Gone Fishin', on guitar. The project is a rotating cast of musicians who come together to make popular sounding jam music on the surface. Underneath the hood is a complex mix of various sounds, tones and approaches that paint a bigger picture. The songs soared with sonic beauty and musical chemistry causing the room to fill in for a brief time. As the Easy Star All Stars took the stage in the main room, the Other Side cleared out, however we remained until the end. I was impressed with the set and recommend that folks check out this rare treat.

The Ballroom was pretty packed. Easy Star was already in the midst of the Dub Side album, with the female vocals of "Money" ripping through the smoky room. The nostalgia of the situation took hold and I found myself smiling and enjoying the music. It was short lived as the music's predictability became clear. It's a tough thing to keep what many consider a gimmick, fresh. Though it's a great concept and an incredible album, touring on much of the same material for the better part of a decade is not conducive to being viewed as a band pushing the envelope. That being said, the musicians involved were top notch and the solo work was very impressive. Admittedly, the songs were fun, but after ten years the horse has been beaten. For those who witnessed the performance for the first time, I am sure it was captivating. For many of us folks who listened to the album when it came out, the evening was more about nostalgia than anything else.

J-man's Photo Gallery


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